
Our first series of videos will be about Caesarea, the beautiful port city that King Herod the great built on the Mediterranean Sea.

We will talk about King Herod himself, will try to understand what made him the king he was and what a great builder he was.

We will talk about Roman cities in general, how they were exactly the same all over the Roman world and about Caesarea and how unique it was as the capital city of the Roman in this area

Of course, we will mention Pontius Pilate and Christianity, since this is the first time a non Jew (Cornelius) was baptized to Christianity.

Lots to show about this amazing city along the sea !

Herod the great

Roman Aqueduct

Introduction to Caesarea – part 1

Introduction to Caesarea – part 2

Pontius Pilate

Caesarea port

Hippodrome and public toilets

Roman Theater

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Below, you will find a page with all the episodes in our series of Beautiful Israel
Click here to be transferred to a page with videos and watch all our episodes

Under construction

Coming Soon !

The requested page is still under construction

Please check again later, we will be publishing the different sites in this series of “Beautiful Israel” every Sunday at 1 pm Israel time (7 am EST time), week after week, starting on August 9, 2020

Videos will be published according to the order below.

Make sure to follow us !

Introduction to Israel
Haifa and Mount Carmel
Rosh Hanikra and the western coast
Chula Valley and the lookout to Lebanon and syria
Safed, Jewish life and Kabbalah (still not available due to lockdown)
Golan Heights – Tel Dan
Golan Heights – Caesarea Philippi (Banias)
Golan Heights – Landscape, water, Druze and Mount Ben Tal
Golan Heights – OZ 77, wars of Israel and Geo Politics
Tel Hazor
Around the Sea of Galilee
Beith Shean
Qasar El Yahud – Crossing place at the Jordan River
Ein Gedi
Dead Sea and area
Tel Beer Sheva
Tel Arad
Sde Boker and Nahal Zin
Craters in the desert
Eilat and the Red Sea
Jaffa and Tel Aviv

Below, you will find a page with all the episodes in our series of Beautiful Israel
Click here to be transferred to a page with videos and watch all our episodes


Introduction to Israel

Before you start touring Israel, you need to understand the background, you need to understand the geography, topography, climates, roads and culture of the people living here today as well as of the people who lived here in biblical days.

Below is a series of videos to give the general understanding of Israel so you will be able to follow a map of Israel and understand it and know more about the land, the flora and fauna and the food.

In order to understand better the biblical events and the Bible better, you have to know the topography and the culture, this will bring color to your understanding of the Bible.


Topography and Climate




Israel as a startup nation




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Below, you will find a page with all the episodes in our series of Beautiful Israel
Click here to be transferred to a page with videos and watch all our episodes

Beautiful Israel

In all my many years of being a tour guide, people always asked me: “why don’t you put everything you know on tape? Why don’t you write a book?”

I never had time for that, but now, being unable to guide since March 2020 and missing what I love doing, I decided to meet the challenge and start a series of short videos where I go through this beautiful country and give you a taste of it. Together, we will visit Israel from side to side !

Join me to watch this series of “Beautiful Israel”

Follow “Israel with Moshe” on Facebook

Subscribe to “Israel with Moshe” YouTube channel

Follow “Gates to Israel” on Facebook

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Below is a list of areas and sites in our series. The links in blue are for videos which were already published, links in black will be published as we go.
Please press on the area you want to watch, you will be transferred to a page with videos

Introduction to Israel


Megiddo and Mount Tabor

Haifa and Mount Carmel


Rosh Hanikra and the western coast

Chula Valley and the lookout to Lebanon and Syria

Safed, Jewish life and Kabbalah (still unavailable due to lockdown)

Golan Heights – Tel Dan

Golan Heights – Caesarea Philippi (Banias)

Golan Heights – Landscape, water, Druze and Mount Ben Tal

Golan Heights – OZ 77, wars of Israel and Geo Political situation in the Middle East

Tel Hazor

Around the Sea of Galilee

Beith Shean

Qasar El Yahud – Crossing place at the Jordan River


Ein Gedi


Dead Sea and area

Tel Beer Sheva

Tel Arad

Sde Boker and Nahal Zin

Craters in the desert

Eilat and the Red Sea


Jaffa and Tel Aviv